It usually happens at weddings when the loud and exuberant DJ walks over to the longest married couple in the room and asks the question: What does it take to stay married for as long as you two have? The older man will pause, look around the room and say, “Two words: Yes, dear.” Of course his comedic timing is perfect, and the room erupts with laughter.

Most Monday mornings I sit down in the staff meeting and I ask the team to review the Sunday-morning experience. Let’s be honest, we are a church, and what we do on Sunday is important. We need to know how things went. In our most recent review, I asked the team how they thought the message went, and one of our team members looked at me and said, “Tony, it was the most political message I’ve ever heard you preach.”

This year the blog turned three! What an amazing journey this has been for me, and I thought I would take a minute to say “thank you.” Thank you for all the encouraging comments, thank you for all the emails, and thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to read some of my crazy thoughts.