2019 In Review, and My Prayers for 2020

2019 In Review, and My Prayers for 2020

I’ll admit that I love the first of the year, not for the idea of resolutions (although I don’t have anything against them), but more for the intentional time, it takes to think back through what was. Like many people in the Dayton community, it was a year full of emotion. From the Dayton tornadoes to the Oregon District shooting, and everything in between - 2019 was a lot. So, as I review the year I thought I would share with you some of the amazing things, some learnings, and what I am praying for in 2020.

Some amazing things…

The Reclamation Podcast was something I had dreamed about in 2017 and 2018. When it launched in 2019 I had a goal to do at least 26 episodes. We crushed that goal and launched 35 episodes! I am continually blown away at the feedback and what God is doing through this medium. At the end of the year, I even had a publisher reach out about having an author on the podcast (episode coming in January), and that was pretty humbling.

Restoration Church had its biggest year of growth in 2019 in the five years that we’ve been at the church. We had our biggest year of growth, and we did our least amount of programming. The disciple-making movement is taking root, and in that, we are seeing lives changed. It isn’t flashy, it isn’t quick, but it is faithful. God is doing some crazy cool things at the church, and it routinely brings me to my knees in gratitude.

My family. I know that feels a little cliché, but it is the truth. This was one of those years where it felt like we were exceptionally close to one another. I know it isn’t always going to be the case, but in this past year, we had so much fun together. From winning the 3rd grade Super Bowl, to Disney World with my princess, and watching my oldest grow into a young man this year has been fun. And getting to do all of that with my best friend by my side is such a blessing.

Some Learnings…

If you want to think differently, surround yourself with different people. This year I took a huge step of faith and joined a Learning Leader Circle with Ryan Hawk. I had listened to his podcast and knew he had a talent for finding amazing people, but being in that group was such a gift. As a pastor, it is easy to become insulated, and breaking out of that insulation was so much fun. Having high capacity leaders speak into my life, and forming deep relationships with those leaders was a beautiful part of 2019.

It is impossible to be all things to all people- aka I’m not God. Feels like a pastor should know that fact. And intellectually I do, but sometimes my heart doesn’t want to cooperate with my brain. This year that message resonated deep in my soul. I was reminded that not only can I not be all things to all people, but even to make the attempt is futile. There is a fine line between growing out of your comfort zone and trying to be someone you’re not. This year felt like I got to know the line a bit better.

Everything we do is both spiritual and physical. I don’t know where you are with your faith, but in my walk this year I was reminded that everything is connected. Spiritual warfare is the idea that there are forces in the world who desperately want to disrupt what God is doing in your life and in the lives of people you love. Dayton encountered that this year, Restoration encountered that this year, and I encountered that this year. The good news is that being aware of spiritual warfare reminds us that as Christians we are already on the side that won. We simply need to stand in Christ’s power rather than leaning on our own.

What I am praying for 2020…

I am praying that more people are transformed by what it means to follow Jesus. I desperately want all of us to see that when we follow Jesus He will never leave us in the same place. Transformation comes when we are bold enough to move. I am praying that more disciple-makers spring out of the community to impact the Kingdom of God.

I am praying that God will use the content I create to help others grow in that movement. Whether that be in speaking, podcasting, or writing - I want it to be an offering to God.

And finally, I am praying that God will help me be more intentional in 2020. I want to be intentional in my walk with Jesus, with my family, with my health, and with how I lead.

I would also be remiss if I didn’t say “thank you.” Thank you for being on this journey with me, thank you for all the support, and thank you for another great year on this platform. I truly appreciate the access you give to let me share my thoughts.

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