Find Your Voice; Use it Carefully

There is an old quote that says, “Use your voice, even when it shakes.”

Can I be honest with you? There have been lots of voices in my head lately! Voices that say do this, or do that, or figure out a way to do the right thing even though no one has ever been in a situation like this before!

In Recovery Together

Recovery is a marathon with a moving finish line.

Almost four months ago I had surgery to recover from an injury. Ever since then I have been working towards recovery. I’ve been working towards getting back to normal. And if I’m honest, It's hard to define what normal will look like!

Identity Theft

I don’t remember ever growing up thinking about identity theft.

It wasn’t a thing in the late 80s or the early 90s. Actually, I don’t remember it really becoming a thing till the early 2000s. I was thinking about this recently as I had to give my birthdate, social security number, and a blood sample to check on the status of some information.

Holiness Ever After?

Confinement in any scenario is difficult, but solitary confinement would have to be the worst. In this season of life, we’ve seen this truth play out over and over again. The people that are most vulnerable are the ones that are by themselves without human interaction. It can be a scary place when you are all by yourself.

5 Things I learned on Deployment That Can Help Your Right Now

So, what has really been an interesting development for me is the feeling of familiarity in this season of sheltering in place. I’ve been here before, I’ve done this. As I began to place the idea of where I’ve done this before it hit me: When I was deployed to Kuwait.

From 2004-2005 I lived under Government control, and in a very confined space. While the base I was stationed at was much bigger than my house the comparisons are undeniable. And as I began to think about that time period I remembered one of our missions during that deployment was to help service members deal with the realities of deployment.

Letting God Sink Inside of You

I think in the reactionary world that we live in is that we often want or even expect God to work through us before we have invited God in us. It struck me as odd, that even in my own life I sometimes try to demand something from God when I haven’t given Him the space to work.

Roadblocks and Obstacles

January and February have felt like the longest year ever! If you follow me on social media you know that our family has experienced some crazy ups and downs. I am two weeks removed from knee surgery and I still have four weeks before I can get back to putting weight on the leg.