All tagged podcast

5 Ways to Survive Christmas

I know, some of you are already judging me for the title of this podcast! My reality is that I struggle with Christmas, and through the years I've developed some sound coping strategies to help me deal with the most "jolly" time of the year. In this episode of the podcast, I share those thoughts and much more.

#20: Kids, Anxiety, and Sports: Charlie McMahan

I have long believed that God doesn’t specialize in perfection, instead God specializes in redemption. Taken the brokenness in our life and turning it in to an opportunity for glory of God to be seen on Earth. Those words could not have been more true for the ministry of my guest on this week’s podcast Charlie McMahan.

5 Mindsets During Difficult Dialogue

When Derick reached out to me about being on the podcast I wasn't sure what to expect.

I mean, the podcast is all about reclaiming the balance of faith and life: What would I do with a practicing atheist? Yet, in a rare moment of wisdom, I could feel God's nudge to lean in to what would certainly be a difficult conversation