All tagged family

Earlier this week my 10-year-old walked into the room and said, “Dad, I really want to hit someone.” The forlorn look on his face said it all. He missed football, he missed the contact, he missed his football family.  He missed hanging out with the guys, and to make matters worse he knew we were going to miss the end of the year banquet. In many ways the season felt like it ended too soon, and yet the season had run its course

This year for Christmas we decided we would give time. Not like a Rolex, or anything like that, but an intentional effort to spend time with my parents. So, we calendared two weeks of vacation, one with my mom and the other with my dad. Our schedules are hectic and the earlier we can get it on the calendar the better the chance it will actually happen. 

Do you ever look at your family and wish you were better? You know what I mean.  Maybe you wish you didn’t work so much. Maybe you wish that you ate more dinners at home, or ate a more well-balanced diet. Maybe you wish you did more educational family activities. I think that if all of us had a moment of truth, we could find something that we wish we did better for our family.