All tagged faith


I feel like when I saw the bridge God was reminding me that I’m not God. I don’t have to have it all figured out. I just need to be faithful.

Rounding Third

Like I do for most things in my life (don’t ask me why) I began to reflect on baseball. I began thinking about third base, and specifically rounding third. This week in the Advent calendar we are rounding third, so-to-speak, and heading for home. The joy in rounding third base is different than anything else in baseball because we know what’s about to happen. We are about to complete the mission set before us, and rejoice in its finality of tagging home!

An Advent Devotional - Approach and Authority

One of the things the Lord has put on my heart this holiday season is the idea of how we approach Him. I am more and more convinced that Jesus wants me to show up physically in our relationship. That sounds strange, but one of the things I’m increasingly convinced of is that I can’t give Jesus authority in my life if I am not willing to approach the throne room with my physical self.

Find Your Voice; Use it Carefully

There is an old quote that says, “Use your voice, even when it shakes.”

Can I be honest with you? There have been lots of voices in my head lately! Voices that say do this, or do that, or figure out a way to do the right thing even though no one has ever been in a situation like this before!

In Recovery Together

Recovery is a marathon with a moving finish line.

Almost four months ago I had surgery to recover from an injury. Ever since then I have been working towards recovery. I’ve been working towards getting back to normal. And if I’m honest, It's hard to define what normal will look like!

Identity Theft

I don’t remember ever growing up thinking about identity theft.

It wasn’t a thing in the late 80s or the early 90s. Actually, I don’t remember it really becoming a thing till the early 2000s. I was thinking about this recently as I had to give my birthdate, social security number, and a blood sample to check on the status of some information.

5 Ways to Survive Christmas

I know, some of you are already judging me for the title of this podcast! My reality is that I struggle with Christmas, and through the years I've developed some sound coping strategies to help me deal with the most "jolly" time of the year. In this episode of the podcast, I share those thoughts and much more.

Karen and I have been making a lot of decisions lately, not just the “What do you want for dinner?” type of decision, but more like the “Do you want to answer God’s call and move?” type of decision. These are big moments, and in those moments it is easy to become engulfed in the potential fear or in the potential excitement. I had to develop a process -- five easy steps for making good decisions:

It was a Saturday afternoon when my phone started to ring, and as I looked down at the buzzing device I noticed it was our lead pastor, Mike Slaughter. Mike doesn’t call me that often (especially on a Saturday), so I knew it was important.  In that moment, Mike told me that our some...