All tagged covid

The Overwhelming Truth About 2020

I’m going to guess that life has felt like A LOT for you lately. It has probably felt heavy, overwhelming, and at times you may not even be sure if you are coming or going.

What I want to suggest to you today is that prolonged stress will turn your cracks into canyons.

In Recovery Together

Recovery is a marathon with a moving finish line.

Almost four months ago I had surgery to recover from an injury. Ever since then I have been working towards recovery. I’ve been working towards getting back to normal. And if I’m honest, It's hard to define what normal will look like!

5 Things I learned on Deployment That Can Help Your Right Now

So, what has really been an interesting development for me is the feeling of familiarity in this season of sheltering in place. I’ve been here before, I’ve done this. As I began to place the idea of where I’ve done this before it hit me: When I was deployed to Kuwait.

From 2004-2005 I lived under Government control, and in a very confined space. While the base I was stationed at was much bigger than my house the comparisons are undeniable. And as I began to think about that time period I remembered one of our missions during that deployment was to help service members deal with the realities of deployment.