Even A Good Thing Can Become an Idol

Even A Good Thing Can Become an Idol

This week I celebrated a huge milestone. Three years of daily use of the Bible App on YouVersion.

Three years! My streak of daily reading would be a junior in high school right now. And I am not naive enough to tell you that the streak has been a daily practice of connecting with God’s Word. Actually, sometimes it was more like speed-reading, or just getting it done. Either way, I did it, and if I am really honest: I became a little obsessed.

The streak of hitting three years became the idol.

So, by the time you read this, I will have broken the streak. I decided that I would wake up and use my paper Bible (audible gasp). And I’m doing this for one reason only - I don’t want any idols in my life, even idols that can look really good.

What I am learning is that there are some really “good” things in my life that can easily become an idol. Work can be an idol. Church attendance can become an idol. Even streaks on the Bible app can become an idol. I have recently seen parenting be an idol for some Christians.

Understanding our idols isn’t an exercise in shame or guilt - rather, understanding our idols is how we strengthen our relationship with Jesus.

At their core idols are wedges that separate us from God.

And I don’t know about you, but in this season, I want to be as close to God as possible.

Sooo.... What's Next?

Sooo.... What's Next?

I Don't Rest Well

I Don't Rest Well