My Word for 2019 is: Disrupt (and why that is different than change).

My Word for 2019 is: Disrupt (and why that is different than change).

A couple of years ago my wife and I started developing words for the year. She found the concept on a website that makes bracelets called It resonated with us, and we both enjoyed the intentionality of having something to focus on for the entire year.

Last year I chose the word “Fuego” (fire in Spanish) because I was intentionally seeking out the Holy Spirit in ways I had never experienced before.

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This year I wanted to continue that, but in a different way, so I chose the word; disrupt. Disrupt by definition means to interrupt or alter. And I don’t know about you, but I love the way that sounds. I love to think that we can interrupt or alter something that might just change us forever.

I also want to be clear about something. Disruption is different than change. When you change something you take “A” and replace it with “B.” We changed the look of the church. We changed where we lived. Change happens when you know what you want to replace the old with the new.

Disruption is different. When you disrupt something you don’t know how it is going to turn out. When you disrupt something you don’t get to control the outcome. What I love most about the imagery of disruption is that it’s like knocking something off course and not knowing what the new course will be.

For me, that translates to letting the Holy Spirit be in charge. If you are open to disruption then you don’t get to decide the outcome. And I don’t know about you, but that sounds both terrifying and incredibly exciting for me.  

Here is the other thing that I feel like God has been telling me with this word: I also want disruption for the church.  I’ll be the first to admit that I have changed a lot of things in our community, but this year I don’t want change – I am praying for disruption. Intentional disruption that leads to intentional growth. I am praying that every person in our community has an encounter with the Holy Spirit that disrupts their life in a way that changes them forever.

So, that’s my word for 2019. Disrupt. I’d love to hear your word! Leave a comment on Facebook or Instagram explaining your word and I’ll be praying for you.


Do you want to have an encounter with the Holy Spirit? One of the ways we are inviting people to be disrupted in 2019 is by participating in a Daniel Fast and/or Fasting Mondays. A Daniel Fast is 21 days of intentional discipline with your diet – nothing but fruits/veggies or things from the ground. And Fasting Mondays is an intentional choice to abstain from something the first Monday of every month. Both are designed to help get you connected to God in different ways. For more information email

Also, coming in 2019 is the brand new Reclamation Podcast! This podcast is designed for anyone who wants to hear how high capacity leaders are reclaiming their life and faith. In my first interview I sit down with my dear friend Dave Hood for an open conversation on practices of his faith, his own demons, and what he hopes for his church. Stay tuned because the podcast drops next week!

Reclamation Podcast Episode 1 - David Hood

Reclamation Podcast Episode 1 - David Hood

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