I have a tree in my front yard that fiercely holds on to its leaves. I don’t know if it is trying to prove something, or wants to win some sort of tree competition, but EVERY SINGLE YEAR the leaves wait so long to come down.

I have strong opinions on disciple-making, and I went in with a critical eye of what to expect from these organizations. Thankfully, they didn’t disappoint. We spent hours talking about what disciple-making looks like in the local church, and it was intriguing to hear people discuss a call back to authentic community. One of the major themes this year is that people wanted to be connected in deeply personal relationships.

Have you ever met someone that you just connected with immediately?

That’s the way it was with me and Corey. I walked into United Theological Seminary and immediately sought the sanctuary of the corner, I don’t know if you know this or not, but the people who aren’t sure about what’s going to happen like to hide in the corner.

I’m convinced that a to-do list is a tool of the devil.  I mean, think about it. Have you ever noticed how they just keep growing? And eventually, you run out of the room so you have to start another one? And soon you have a to-do list of to-do lists. I don’t know about you, but sometimes my to-do list feels like I’m watching the creek rise. It gets higher and higher, and there is nothing I can do to stop it. 

One full week. We are one full week into school and the rhythmic change to our lives is noticeable. Honestly, I think we all just want summer back. We want the days of no “real” schedule, of sleeping in, of not being rushed. In our first week back we almost missed the bus once, one child forgot her school ID, and the big child has been grumpier than I’ve ever seen him.