I’m convinced that a to-do list is a tool of the devil.  I mean, think about it. Have you ever noticed how they just keep growing? And eventually, you run out of the room so you have to start another one? And soon you have a to-do list of to-do lists. I don’t know about you, but sometimes my to-do list feels like I’m watching the creek rise. It gets higher and higher, and there is nothing I can do to stop it. 

One full week. We are one full week into school and the rhythmic change to our lives is noticeable. Honestly, I think we all just want summer back. We want the days of no “real” schedule, of sleeping in, of not being rushed. In our first week back we almost missed the bus once, one child forgot her school ID, and the big child has been grumpier than I’ve ever seen him. 

The above statement even feels crazy to type. I’ve had some type of affiliation with the Army Reserves since 1 July 1998. For nineteen years, I’ve been carrying a military ID in my wallet, heck, I can still remember the name of my recruiter. The Army and I have been through a lot together, it has shaped me, molded me, and brought me along in my faith journey.